
Animals go through untold suffering as a product of mankind’s folly. AWARE aims to redress this balance by providing quality veterinary care and rehabilitation to wild animals that have been injured directly or indirectly at the hand of man. AWARE believes that every animal’s LIFE is precious. However if rehabilitation will cause undue stress on an animal, it will be humanely euthanased.
AWARE also recognizes disease threats in wildlife and aims to treat sick or disease-threatened animals either individually or on a ‘herd health’ basis.
The Trust believes in utilizing whatever resources are available to perform immediate and necessary tasks.
It is AWARE’s long term vision to provide, as headquarters, a purpose-built animal hospital with facilities to deal with all wildlife species. This will include in-house laboratory facilities and state of the art diagnostic equipment, which may be used as a referral centre for other veterinarians. The Trust ultimately aims to offer a flying veterinary service especially for wildlife emergencies in remote or inaccessible areas.
Below is a selection of pictures of some of our cases. The stories of the individual animals can be found in our newsletters and on our facebook page.
Rehab in pictures...